Tuesday, 19 November 2013



People sigh at the very sound of the word love: the complex yet simple aspect that is commanded of us. What is love? This question triggers a lot of varied answers depending on the experiences, the social constructs, the gender, the material factors, the economy and the complexity of individual mindset. As said, “We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking."Santosh Kalwar,


          Love to me is the state of giving an individual their peace of mind; I shall argue that when one has peace , joy, happiness,  patience and all the virtues that are escorted by the illusions of the 'word' then one has found love. In our society today, I see love being used, misused and not appreciated by many due to the many incidences that have occurred to them, financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually and even intellectually.

         The society, is a conditioned set of humans with similar beliefs, morals, values and culture; conditioned in the sense that the laws or the concepts passed from generation to generation end up being out-dated and if not, stereotyped though all the same, we rely on them and from these, policies and eventually laws are passed to suit the perceptions set. It's sad that moving away from these has resulted to people being labelled, stereotyped, called deviant and yet uniqueness is something praised in the mouths of the holders of this 'important' fragments. So, does the society propel love? That’s food for thought.
            I personally love some intellectual loving, whereby conversations trigger points in my mind that were once unexploited or rather, inexperienced. This has eventually enhanced my outlook on various issues that involve the individual, me and the society as a whole, giving me a reason to be more appreciative of small things that others may oversee or not comprehend. There is untapped energy in uplifting conversations; the kind that induces divine euphoria. Mental stimulation goes beyond physical stimulation; some may say its lack of a perverted mind, haha! Either way I guess that's what differentiates normalcy and reality.

   Happiness is sometimes crazy in one way or another. The elaboration of the reason why your cognitive ability has enabled you to process and decipher a thought to its greatest humour limit is dependent on your intellectual ability. I guess that why it’s said, “Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.” Mark Twain I can add my own favourite: "Humour vibrates to those with the code capable of creating a scene worth a smile".

   “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” Keith Richards. Music is a special force that connects different aspects of our emotions into a synchronized harmony that elevates peace, joy, sadness, healing and sexual fantasies for the selected few… I enjoy a great piece that evokes an intellectual climax with a like-minded individual who not only listens to the lyrics and beats, but creates with me the imagination that will bring forth a memory. 

Society should be fluid as music in that everyone enjoys the genre that reflects more on their character. I am not saying that values upheld should be dropped for that would only bring ancestral war into the picture! Deviant behaviour is synchronised in each one's conscience, those that act on the evitable are acting from free will and thus all of us do not have to live under the dome of being lab rats to the rating of the society as good, bad or mad. Just as most of us love music, let's love the person we are and the society will be transformed as well.

The claptrap in my thoughts is aligned to the simplicity that comes from the magnificent peace of the mind when context is not complicated with content. Don’t look for something to smile about for nature is reason enough for one to smile.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Diversity is a concept that is seen in many aspects of life, it is also seen in the dimensions of our thought process. lets call it the pessimist an the optimists view as they are well recognized. it fascinates me the depth to which this two distinct paradigms are experienced in the world that we live in. 

The injustices that the society and individual puts themselves in day in day out is a clear display of pessimism. well, in my opinion the point of clarity that one finds in the field of pleasure, peace, joy , work, manipulation of others in order to achieve a certain goal is what i call optimism. i say the fallacy that the world creates is the expectation of a triumph after the completion of a certain parameter or angel to which certain uncertainty were more or less inevitable. Fallacy becomes optimism.

Some might argue that the word fallacy in my thought is pessimistic in nature. well according to the dictionary the word fallacy means" false notion or a type of erroneous reasoning that renders arguments logically unsound.... hmm! Well it can be argued that that is so, so for me pessimistic is the view of seeing the negative situations that may arise in dealing with conflicts or diversities among us. It becomes pessimistic nature or behavior when one does not go from that point to finding a solution but opts to stick to the known calm waters as the risk of drowning or facing the storm is heightened.

In whichever angle you choose or set your mind to tune to as the soundtrack of your life, it  is important to learn to respect and give one the ability to prosper and even stretch to the best of their abilities in their specific angel. do not be the one that is always conforming to laws set up by people or be the one to transform people to the beliefs that suit you. A famous writer once said," Believe nothing. no matter where you read it, or who said it, even if i have said it, unless it agrees with your reason and your own common sense"

Individually since we are unique may we all, find it in us to be diverse and different from one another as we can, and at the same time respect each others boundaries and who knows. the peek of growth, peace, development, justice, love , joy and grace that we shall achieve when we do this.

Diversity is clarity