Tuesday 5 January 2016



The virtue of gratitude can be so difficult to amplify at times. Situations that cause shatter in our being are at times so strong.  In these times, they are few things that arise in daily interactions that cause the re-energizing of the soul. This, I believe is worth being grateful. The merry season gave reality to the test of gratitude. Woke up in tears one morning and it seemed that the hope that I hold so dear, was bursting in me to a feel of pain. The urge to have someone listen, caused me to run to the super power that I believe in. Wondering why I’m doing so; as I will not hear a response. At that moment all I need is to use my sense of hearing, have my scattered self glued back together. I reminisce over the merry globally, and as it kills me, I remind myself that I can get positive energy from it as much joy and hope reigns in the season. My mind has the ability to trick me to have a positive reason to every pitfall…. (I exude positivity). My eyes and mouth are pouring out; water that runs can’t seem to clean the words off their negativity. It’s a collision.

Determination: life has forced this on us. Systems and institutions that we subscribe to, enhance the projection. The hierarchy is in all that our determination has to break through all day. Sadly enough, only the results can be tangible evidence that one is actually determined in life. Results; people around have an understanding of the difficulty to achieve, the black hole is that, you cannot use the many rejection letters to the new application just to prove that you are in dire need. Entrepreneurs’ at the moment wonder why not consider self employment. The fact that the businesses would be noble other than product oriented closes the door of getting to shark tank. A search for redemption triggers talent search, the attempt to reach out to many, in photography, words, poetry, drawing, dance, comedy…. Name it. The market is still hierarchical as those that could give criticism, recommendations, advise, networks.. Bother Not. Determination is as the definition.

Relations; no man is an island. The selection panel for associations are purported to be individual. Individually though the patterns of those we relate with are as porous as ‘borders’ to terrorists. The reality of being ‘alone’ with so many patterns in life has been individually accepted and, is expected. Forming relations is concurrent to survival. Survival; as its unknown of the motive or the use of the …ships at times. Social platforms have transformed communication and connections we have. One can’t tell the true from the frauds as they are gauged by another in the same scale. Relations are forced to be cemented on trust that is assured of breaking, cracking, reassuring, manipulating all the possibilities seemingly intertwined. Yet one can’t forget to appreciate those that cause laughter, comfort, encouragement and wish well for them.

It’s sad that challenges are as assured as death in this life time. May the year be all we desire.