Thursday 2 April 2015

Reality vs Illusion

Reality is that which exists independent of human awareness. It is all that exists regardless of whether it is perceived or not; it is what makes statements true or false.
Illusion to me is the ability to breathe air into ones' system and harness it to help create the reality that you select.
Dreams are valid! A phrase that; thanks to Lupita runs through the mouths of all that have an illusion, that they want to transform to reality. This in itself shows that there is no limit to reality or the illusions that we have in our day to day life.
Power and control on how to enable this two to work for an individual, depends on the willingness of the mind to conceptualize and plan for the uncertainty that lies in the efficiency of the nose to inhale air. Someone said “"The brain did not evolve to see reality as it is, it evolved to see reality in a way that is useful."
I look at mad men and wonder what reality they perceive, I honestly envy the way that minute things that frustrate the overall human seems to not to get the attention of our dear persons. Salvador Dali says “there is one difference between a mad man and me, a mad man thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.” The perceived sane amongst us are all classified in terms of the brilliance, efficiency, charisma, class, style, money and the status they uphold. When an individual does not quantify to the many hierarchical conditions put off, their reality is seen as an illusion. This I say as I have heard that, many amongst us should not have a reason to live due not attaining the bar set upon us by those that illusion our life.

I suffer conflicts between distinguishing my thoughts to my reality and my uttermost illusions. I have many scenarios that I fail to put into any of the divisions. I have learnt that as long as my mind shows me the reality or the heightened illusion, and the results is me laughing uncontrollably loud by myself, is good enough reality to me. The synergy in me is enough to make my uncertainty wave off and be the mad person that many view as my reality.


Naming of an individual, is it a matter of reason, passion, desire, chance, nature, habit or compulsion. Does the name that is assigned to an individual have an irrational aspect to it; influencing the behavior and character of the persona?  Choose a character that not only redefines the name assigned to you, simply by creating a name that is worth another individual owning.
Association is the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory and imagination. Sort of, how the goals or objectives that one has decided upon them help measure the unknown mysteries of the life that will unfold.
Assigned; the appointment to a task or duty. First born siblings are a role model to the rest of the siblings; this is what socialization has appointed them to be. The task of being a leader is tested in all factual ways; economically, financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally and psychologically. One has to adhere to the un-identified pressure to fulfill a role or more, could be to feel that the obligation set upon has been fulfilled. Who knows?

The choice of one’s being should not be measured only by the association and assignment placed on their head, it should come from an alive soul that nourishes the person to be a force to reckon with in any situation or circumstances that come with the package of life. This comes into life with the quest to experience, understand, criticize, applaud, innovate and redefine all areas that one limits them to. The power is all in the being.

Labels are a part of how we can distinguish different aspects of what surrounds us. Gender labels, on the other hand are irrelevant in the associations that we hold so dear to our chest. Irrelevant in that, gender is heterosexist and only have two classifications, in the expansion of the knowledge spectrum that the world offers to us, we learn that this two are not the only aspects that distinguish between humans. Intersex persons and Trans persons are not included in this general label. The perception that we have of the "difference" between the two have been greatly challenged. This is through the interactions and simple observations of our societies throughout different time periods.
It saddens my soul…. all this unnecessary choices of our being.