Tuesday 1 November 2016

Morals and Value.

Emmanuel Kant, brought out morality as an objective, rationally necessary and unconditional principle that we must always follow despite any natural desires or inclinations we may have to the contrary; dubbed as “Categorical Imperative” (CI).
“Morality[1]” can be used either,
1.       Descriptively to refer to certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as a religion), or accepted by an individual for her own behavior, or
2.       Normative to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.

Morality has been a recent terminology that has run through the waves in Kenya, today. The policing of morals/morality has been a call that the systems have been on various instances seemed to legislate. Those that fall under the category of minorities in the country fall victim to the laws that are legislated in the course to uphold morality.

Value and morality manifest in a paradox within the cultures and society we create and live in. Those that uphold the moral scale of their beliefs tend to sideline and thus oppress those that seem deviant. The imbalance affects humanity and the components that make the individual or a group of individuals is demeaned.

Value; in modern culture is selfish in nature, it causes the creation of a ‘blind spot’ where, if exchange is not included in the equation, then the equivalent seems vague. This has led to the assimilation of human rights violation cases that occur in marginalized areas to be overruled by those with superior or economic valued. *Turkana and the region come to mind.

The infamous Penal code in Kenya - seeks to govern consensual sex relations - ‘Operant Conditioning’ where punishment is thought to modify behavior (Skinner's). Laws, should take Pavlov’s ideology - participants in the exercise are under the freedom of having their vicinity still protected under the privacy act in the Bill of Rights. Classical conditioning involves associating between an involuntary response and a stimulus, while Operant conditioning is about associating between a voluntary behavior and a consequence. ‘’Descriptive sense’’

Kenya Film Classification board - 3rd Oct 2014, in a ruling that criticized the film" Stories of Our Lives" for "obscenity, explicit scenes and (for promoting) homosexuality, which is contrary to Kenya's national norms and values - the film shed light on the experiences of LGBTI persons. The film has won several prestigious award.The recent infringing of the right to freedom of expression has led to prying of podcasts that speak on the diversities within our sexual side of society, deeming them immoral.

Medical Sector: Kenya celebrated the Intersex Awareness Day 26th Oct 16. Great visibility strides KTN and highlights as legislative reforms on bringing a bill, that protects the intersex persons was raised. Raised mitigation: introduction of a third gender and advocacy on prohibiting normalized surgery - termed as infant genital mutilation. I cringe; to the outdated assessments questionnaires that the service providers have on simple H.I.V tests that assumes heterosexual relations. The lack of ethics or awareness portrayed by doctors as they approve the normalized surgery of an intersex individual; with lack of awareness of their preferred identity being a personal choice and fluid through adolescent stage and throughout life.
Failing to counter the plight through: re-educating society and parents on harmonious living and raising of evident sexual and gender identities, demystifying the myths that surround sexual diversity and creating an alienating culture – ‘up to date sex curriculum’…….

Stateless persons; persons that are not considered as a national by any state through its nationality legislation or constitution. Stateless persons have a close association with borders, born at country borders. In Kenya; estimation of 100,000 persons. The Makonde persons have been most affected. The effects of being undocumented or recognized by the state cases paralysis in social, economic, mental and educational rights.
Persons with special needs: From the infrastructure that stands in most educational center, public service transportation, to un-celebrated role models within the group…..

How then can we ensure that the values we teach, instill and advocate for, go hand in hand with the moral settings of the diverse and evolving culture that we live within and around?
The law has been on the front line in this. Laws are to ensure equity and uphold the critical side that entails; questioning, re-evaluation and re-education&/Reforms.

It’s sad that our generation has little information about the cultures that exists in our midst. A query like, what is the binding culture that causes a homogeneous relation within the chosen place of residence, usually pinpoints margins that are devaluing; economic differences, environmental/land value, tribes….
Is it hard to create harmony, diversity and non-classists culture within our common spaces without the reality of the deflated ‘value’, coming into play?

[1] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/morality-definition/

Friday 26 August 2016

Black Queer Feminism.

Feminism - a vital ideal that has spearheaded the power emitted by women and has been suppressed by the patriarchal forces in the society. As a young person venturing to the meaning of the ideology and how it affects me and my peers at a personal level, I write..

Feminism is the collective ideals of different persons in society; women, human rights advocates, lawyer, queer persons, mother, men, lesbians, gender fluid and non-conforming,and any other human being that sees the struggle in the fight for equality in all social realms (education, opportunities, leadership, health, laws and religion) and as the dynamics of the society gradually change as they do sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights also arise.

The simple reason that the definition seems long, is that it is... and oppression of women and all those who associate with the ideal is so diverse to each one. The laws set to oversee the implementation of the norms in society are at times not recognizing to the struggle of a group.

Black Queer Feminism, as I am. 

The journey of Feminism took me to the best illustrations of art done by various artists out there; the illustrations depict or have a drive to my thoughts towards the feminism ideal.

                                                                             (Illustrations by Talhí Briones)

Laws: The constitution under the Bill of Rights seeks to uphold liberty, justice, equality, dignity.... and Article 21, that protects, respect, observe, promote and fulfill rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens.

The limits that gender has brought up has prolonged the realisation of equality to all persons in the society. Women have spearheaded the conversation in the fight of patriarchy that has reigned the world. Its a great concept feminism is bringing. 
Power & Oppression: Its the fight to crush the glass ceilings that the society has created through the powers that be. In this evolution of knowledge and body identity, the struggle of equality is going to diversify. The oppression of power is elevated by society as we omit to share and embrace knowledge on diverse sexuality existing in modern times. Headlines of students being expelled from schools due to expression/ discovery of sexuality, is visible in our media. The exposure of personal details of ones sexuality to the world creates barriers in completing education as at times, parents of the child are left to handle the weight of the discovery and society as judgement and at times ostracized by those around. My point of the juggle is the struggles of one should not be put to measures by gender, class, orientation and any limits we think. Lets embrace the struggles of all and value life and equality beyond gender limitations...

Monday 13 June 2016


Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional meaning of the word.

Violence has with time been engrained in the core of our national values. Violent has the power to inflict fear, death, exclusion and this has been evident in the society we live and thrive in. In the social economically challenged areas; slums… violence has been a tool that the members of the society use in order for their voices to be heard. Recalling a time when Kibera people burnt and destroyed properties put up by the government to air the imbalance that they experienced in the job allocations.

Violence and development or economics: Areas that are perceived to be of lower economic value are greatly violent in nature. From the high rates of crime, high cases of unemployment and low paying jobs that reign sovereign in the areas. Areas like the Northern parts of Kenya has seen the flip side of development. This areas are hit by cases of Cancer and now Cholera that the society has turned a blind eye on as the proximity to the area is distinct. In the Northern parts, the porous nature of the border has caused terror attacks and loss of vital lives that impact the people that fall victim to the plight.

Violence and democracy: Kenya passed the new constitution that among many provisions provides for the right of persons to demonstrate in issues that are wrongly implemented. With the political atmosphere, those in power have used state officers to threaten the rights of citizens to have peaceful demonstrations, this is a great indicator of the democracy of the society being under threat. People who take up initiatives to participate in demos are painted to be deviant, law breakers and thus #PoliceBrutality is highly anticipated and rarely condemned by leaders who are on the wing of the power plays.

Violence and Inclusion: Minorities (sexual minorities, persons with disability, refugees) in society have been excluded from policy reforms, parity talks and this has created a difficult time in ensuring that their plights are highlighted in the main talks. Refugees/asylum seekers in the country have been labelled “terrorists” pushing the closure of their camps, amidst these little efforts are made to ensure their resettlements to their countries or other asylums.
 Sexual minorities all over the world have had limited human rights accorded to them; their rights to health, education, employment, housing are met by violent utterances by leaders giving lee way for the society, state officials, medical practioners to violate their dignity, privacy, right to form families and to acquire the standards of living that are progressive. In Kenya today, there are cases of forced anal examination that those accused of same sex acts are…. The violation in such acts cuts across to the dignity and privacy of a human being. In other instances, homosexual presenting persons are discriminated, beaten and kicked out of their houses all because of the different orientation that they uphold. Its critical for society to look into the actions that our beliefs propel, dehumanizing individuals to points of suicides, drug and substance abuse and ostracizing of persons from families is not a #NonIssue.

Violence in family: Domestic violence has become so rampant in our daily interactions and yet the intervention side; a stale game. The evident lack of association that occurs when there is a violent scene happening in one’s surrounding, the excuse given by society and state is that they don’t want to interfere with ‘matters family’ to the public stripping of women due to dressing is questionable. Makes me wonder on the state of tolerance that society has clothed itself in. Do we not question the psychological, mental, physical state of the society, victims and the children in the violent area?

Violence and Ethnocentrism is a concept that has evolved to ethnic disputes and clashes manifested in the recent post-election violence that occurred in 2007, a vice yet to heal in our conscious and subconscious states. Ethnic or tribal differences has caused violence to be easily perpetrated in different ethnic communities. Is culture being upheld to the unifying angle of inclusivity?

Violence and religion: The diversity in religious beliefs proclaimed, converge on the similarity on: compassion, love and tolerance to all mankind. The prophecies of the great ideologies have failed their manifestation with the collision of popularity and mass influence with politics. The idea of unity in differences has been exploited to accommodate violent expressions amongst different domains; the effects are seen in the extremist nature of persuasion and coercion to pull congregations and alienate those that do not conform. The neutral position of religion has failed in society as the religious fronts succumb and propagate hate, intolerance and thus violence to those that do not conform to their beliefs.

Violence seems to be an accepted norm in our society. A vice that needs a remedy as humanity is running down the drain. A conversation that seeks more clarity in the minds of all. A path that each of us partakes and propagates in the effort to progress in life. Sad reality of the intersectionality of violence in our interactions that we as humans have turned a blind eye on…. #LetsTalkViolence #TheIssueIsViolence.
©Arudi Laura Cori.

Friday 27 May 2016


 ‘’Humanity is the ability to be selfish to the well-being and sustenance of one’s self and those around’’ Darkwave Arudi.
                                                                                                             Image: Google.
The projection of humanity in today’s society has left me pondering on the twisted understanding of the principles.
Recalling the principles that govern this is very vital. Some principles we should reflect on:

1.        Cooperation:
This is the act of two beings coordinating on a function, task, mission, visual, art, play….. to achieve an outcome. The outcome being relative, as both beings are ideally to rise above the stipulated act
In society today, the cooperation among being has evolved to the subordination. This is where the perceived weak party in the team bows to the results that the superior finds suitable in the situation. An example 1: I’m one of the persons that wonder the purpose of voting for the lesser evil contender…. I long for the day that nationals will unite and refuse to vote completely for lack of a real ideal president. That to me will be power transfer back and maybe cooperation can mutate to function well.
In humanity, the society formed ‘poor’ people; subjected to a life of low ‘standards of living’ as our educated people called it. The fact that classes exist and yes… If classes would mean progress for all then yes…  in this case, classes: exploit, violate, limit and take the resources, energy and humanity of the people they created as poor fails my judgement.
What exactly is our cooperation in humanity governed by….. treaties, laws, U.N…

2.        Accommodation:
This is the realization or the rationality of accepting the diverse nature of beings and learning how to allow them in space.
This is a fallacy in all fallacies that we as society propagate. Conformity is a construct of norms that apparently govern the operation of society, the deviation from the norm  has resulted to beings who seem ‘queer’ be alienated and painted as mistakes to all. The sexual minorities for instance have a duty to convince the society of their validity. A weird aspect; as they are born to the world. The fact that human beings have adorned the power to themselves to govern who is to exist in a world that they themselves didn’t chose in their right of birth, is alarming.
Due to terror attacks, unrest in boundaries prevalent- persons are displaced (refugees’ /asylum seekers). The reality that we created boundaries to mark the land we supposedly think belongs to us in invalid, the manifestation of creating an environment that a fellow human being has to be validated to stay in an area is quite impractical
Persons born with a challenge…. Those that we term as ‘persons with disability’ have a challenge of accommodation and room to thrive in society. Services from: public amenities, medication, machinery (wheelchairs.), employment opportunities et.al are the disabilities that those with ‘abilities’; guard, neglect and gain profits from. Humanity huh?

3.     Assimilation:
It is the process where individuals belonging to different cultures/ Ideals are united into one. Implying the merge and fusion of two or more ‘bodies’ into a single common body/ unit.
Arts is the non-explainable aspect of humanity that creates this reality. Music, painting, poetry, writing, cinema, theatre…. has elevated our cultures and way of life to the global aspect.
Sad that in society, power controls art spread, and at times the use of art has consequences that are unrestrained

Could be continued……


Tuesday 5 January 2016



The virtue of gratitude can be so difficult to amplify at times. Situations that cause shatter in our being are at times so strong.  In these times, they are few things that arise in daily interactions that cause the re-energizing of the soul. This, I believe is worth being grateful. The merry season gave reality to the test of gratitude. Woke up in tears one morning and it seemed that the hope that I hold so dear, was bursting in me to a feel of pain. The urge to have someone listen, caused me to run to the super power that I believe in. Wondering why I’m doing so; as I will not hear a response. At that moment all I need is to use my sense of hearing, have my scattered self glued back together. I reminisce over the merry globally, and as it kills me, I remind myself that I can get positive energy from it as much joy and hope reigns in the season. My mind has the ability to trick me to have a positive reason to every pitfall…. (I exude positivity). My eyes and mouth are pouring out; water that runs can’t seem to clean the words off their negativity. It’s a collision.

Determination: life has forced this on us. Systems and institutions that we subscribe to, enhance the projection. The hierarchy is in all that our determination has to break through all day. Sadly enough, only the results can be tangible evidence that one is actually determined in life. Results; people around have an understanding of the difficulty to achieve, the black hole is that, you cannot use the many rejection letters to the new application just to prove that you are in dire need. Entrepreneurs’ at the moment wonder why not consider self employment. The fact that the businesses would be noble other than product oriented closes the door of getting to shark tank. A search for redemption triggers talent search, the attempt to reach out to many, in photography, words, poetry, drawing, dance, comedy…. Name it. The market is still hierarchical as those that could give criticism, recommendations, advise, networks.. Bother Not. Determination is as the definition.

Relations; no man is an island. The selection panel for associations are purported to be individual. Individually though the patterns of those we relate with are as porous as ‘borders’ to terrorists. The reality of being ‘alone’ with so many patterns in life has been individually accepted and, is expected. Forming relations is concurrent to survival. Survival; as its unknown of the motive or the use of the …ships at times. Social platforms have transformed communication and connections we have. One can’t tell the true from the frauds as they are gauged by another in the same scale. Relations are forced to be cemented on trust that is assured of breaking, cracking, reassuring, manipulating all the possibilities seemingly intertwined. Yet one can’t forget to appreciate those that cause laughter, comfort, encouragement and wish well for them.

It’s sad that challenges are as assured as death in this life time. May the year be all we desire.