Tuesday 1 November 2016

Morals and Value.

Emmanuel Kant, brought out morality as an objective, rationally necessary and unconditional principle that we must always follow despite any natural desires or inclinations we may have to the contrary; dubbed as “Categorical Imperative” (CI).
“Morality[1]” can be used either,
1.       Descriptively to refer to certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as a religion), or accepted by an individual for her own behavior, or
2.       Normative to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.

Morality has been a recent terminology that has run through the waves in Kenya, today. The policing of morals/morality has been a call that the systems have been on various instances seemed to legislate. Those that fall under the category of minorities in the country fall victim to the laws that are legislated in the course to uphold morality.

Value and morality manifest in a paradox within the cultures and society we create and live in. Those that uphold the moral scale of their beliefs tend to sideline and thus oppress those that seem deviant. The imbalance affects humanity and the components that make the individual or a group of individuals is demeaned.

Value; in modern culture is selfish in nature, it causes the creation of a ‘blind spot’ where, if exchange is not included in the equation, then the equivalent seems vague. This has led to the assimilation of human rights violation cases that occur in marginalized areas to be overruled by those with superior or economic valued. *Turkana and the region come to mind.

The infamous Penal code in Kenya - seeks to govern consensual sex relations - ‘Operant Conditioning’ where punishment is thought to modify behavior (Skinner's). Laws, should take Pavlov’s ideology - participants in the exercise are under the freedom of having their vicinity still protected under the privacy act in the Bill of Rights. Classical conditioning involves associating between an involuntary response and a stimulus, while Operant conditioning is about associating between a voluntary behavior and a consequence. ‘’Descriptive sense’’

Kenya Film Classification board - 3rd Oct 2014, in a ruling that criticized the film" Stories of Our Lives" for "obscenity, explicit scenes and (for promoting) homosexuality, which is contrary to Kenya's national norms and values - the film shed light on the experiences of LGBTI persons. The film has won several prestigious award.The recent infringing of the right to freedom of expression has led to prying of podcasts that speak on the diversities within our sexual side of society, deeming them immoral.

Medical Sector: Kenya celebrated the Intersex Awareness Day 26th Oct 16. Great visibility strides KTN and highlights as legislative reforms on bringing a bill, that protects the intersex persons was raised. Raised mitigation: introduction of a third gender and advocacy on prohibiting normalized surgery - termed as infant genital mutilation. I cringe; to the outdated assessments questionnaires that the service providers have on simple H.I.V tests that assumes heterosexual relations. The lack of ethics or awareness portrayed by doctors as they approve the normalized surgery of an intersex individual; with lack of awareness of their preferred identity being a personal choice and fluid through adolescent stage and throughout life.
Failing to counter the plight through: re-educating society and parents on harmonious living and raising of evident sexual and gender identities, demystifying the myths that surround sexual diversity and creating an alienating culture – ‘up to date sex curriculum’…….

Stateless persons; persons that are not considered as a national by any state through its nationality legislation or constitution. Stateless persons have a close association with borders, born at country borders. In Kenya; estimation of 100,000 persons. The Makonde persons have been most affected. The effects of being undocumented or recognized by the state cases paralysis in social, economic, mental and educational rights.
Persons with special needs: From the infrastructure that stands in most educational center, public service transportation, to un-celebrated role models within the group…..

How then can we ensure that the values we teach, instill and advocate for, go hand in hand with the moral settings of the diverse and evolving culture that we live within and around?
The law has been on the front line in this. Laws are to ensure equity and uphold the critical side that entails; questioning, re-evaluation and re-education&/Reforms.

It’s sad that our generation has little information about the cultures that exists in our midst. A query like, what is the binding culture that causes a homogeneous relation within the chosen place of residence, usually pinpoints margins that are devaluing; economic differences, environmental/land value, tribes….
Is it hard to create harmony, diversity and non-classists culture within our common spaces without the reality of the deflated ‘value’, coming into play?

[1] http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/morality-definition/

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