Thursday 3 July 2014


The depth my thoughts take at times causes ........  It’s not that I love the torture that I experience during my dark times but I love the strength that I make myself believe in to see me through till the next sunrise. The energy that lives within my mind can be so tragic to me, at times I wonder if a mental disease is cropping up on me, crawling within me, finding a home so that it can blossom and later leave me with nothing but the illusion mind that I would have pictured. This does not scare me though as much as the cold weather makes me shiver, thoughts they are at the end of the day.

My day to day activities run as smoothly as I picture, still debating how I can pull the strings of decency to foresee the direction that all this will take me. I have met beautiful minds, faces, personalities and the best part of these is the urge I do have to spread the little contented illusions that make up my persona these days... talk of a ruined reality. The sweetness of not knowing the accent, the processing, and the behavior of the unknown person seems to make me more at ease than the known comfort the clouds thrive in when lightning strikes. Though the environment of interaction is as known to me like the undergarment I have own, safety is paramount.

I love my days ‘dark’ and my nights ‘bright’. Dark from noticing the minute figments that are displayed by our surrounding that no one seems to get a connection to or seem to even care of their existence. Bright from all the stars shinning above my bedroom window that modernization seems to have swept under the bed as the cities light up and forge the dimensions that the natural light brought to it naturally. 

There was a time when my thoughts were bruised , lost myself in the twists and turns of the pages of my unwritten autobiography. Never felt so alone in my entire life. The fact that I can think free and speak without waiting for a response, a critic, and applause gives me more pleasure than any assurance can. All these are ideal components of communication and all these can result in a default setting in a human mind as the statement itself. At the stage I am at, communication is not the main issue that bothers my thought process it’s the execution of the translated message to see through Aristotle’s philosophy of causality.

One from him to close ……“All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion and desire.”

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